This is a deploy preview created from a
pull request
. For authoritative documentation, see the
the current stable release
3.12.0a7 Documentation
Index – G
gamma() (in module math)
gammavariate() (in module random)
garbage (in module gc)
garbage collection
gather() (curses.textpad.Textbox method)
(in module asyncio)
gauss() (in module random)
gc_collect() (in module
gcd() (in module math)
gcvisitobjects_t (C type)
ge() (in module operator)
gen_uuid() (in module msilib)
generate_tokens() (in module tokenize)
Generator (class in
(class in email.generator)
(class in typing)
generator expression
generator iterator
GeneratorExp (class in ast)
GeneratorType (in module types)
special attribute
Generic (class in typing)
generic function
generic type
generic_visit() (ast.NodeVisitor method)
GenericAlias (class in types)
genops() (in module pickletools)
geometric_mean() (in module statistics)
get() (asyncio.Queue method)
(configparser.ConfigParser method)
(contextvars.Context method)
(contextvars.ContextVar method)
(dict method)
(email.message.EmailMessage method)
(email.message.Message method)
(in module webbrowser)
(mailbox.Mailbox method)
(multiprocessing.pool.AsyncResult method)
(multiprocessing.Queue method)
(multiprocessing.SimpleQueue method)
(ossaudiodev.oss_mixer_device method)
(queue.Queue method)
(queue.SimpleQueue method)
(tkinter.ttk.Combobox method)
(tkinter.ttk.Spinbox method)
(types.MappingProxyType method)
(xml.etree.ElementTree.Element method)
GET_AITER (opcode)
get_all() (email.message.EmailMessage method)
(email.message.Message method)
(wsgiref.headers.Headers method)
get_all_breaks() (bdb.Bdb method)
get_all_start_methods() (in module multiprocessing)
GET_ANEXT (opcode)
get_annotations() (in module inspect)
get_app() (wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIServer method)
get_archive_formats() (in module shutil)
get_args() (in module typing)
get_asyncgen_hooks() (in module sys)
get_attribute() (in module
get_begidx() (in module readline)
get_blocking() (in module os)
get_body() (email.message.EmailMessage method)
get_body_encoding() (email.charset.Charset method)
get_boundary() (email.message.EmailMessage method)
(email.message.Message method)
get_bpbynumber() (bdb.Bdb method)
get_break() (bdb.Bdb method)
get_breaks() (bdb.Bdb method)
get_buffer() (asyncio.BufferedProtocol method)
(xdrlib.Packer method)
(xdrlib.Unpacker method)
get_bytes() (mailbox.Mailbox method)
get_ca_certs() (ssl.SSLContext method)
get_cache_token() (in module abc)
get_channel_binding() (ssl.SSLSocket method)
get_charset() (email.message.Message method)
get_charsets() (email.message.EmailMessage method)
(email.message.Message method)
get_child_watcher() (asyncio.AbstractEventLoopPolicy method)
(in module asyncio)
get_children() (symtable.SymbolTable method)
(tkinter.ttk.Treeview method)
get_ciphers() (ssl.SSLContext method)
get_clock_info() (in module time)
get_close_matches() (in module difflib)
get_code() ( method)
( method)
(importlib.machinery.ExtensionFileLoader method)
(importlib.machinery.SourcelessFileLoader method)
(zipimport.zipimporter method)
get_completer() (in module readline)
get_completer_delims() (in module readline)
get_completion_type() (in module readline)
get_config_h_filename() (in module sysconfig)
get_config_var() (in module sysconfig)
get_config_vars() (in module sysconfig)
get_content() (email.contentmanager.ContentManager method)
(email.message.EmailMessage method)
(in module email.contentmanager)
get_content_charset() (email.message.EmailMessage method)
(email.message.Message method)
get_content_disposition() (email.message.EmailMessage method)
(email.message.Message method)
get_content_maintype() (email.message.EmailMessage method)
(email.message.Message method)
get_content_subtype() (email.message.EmailMessage method)
(email.message.Message method)
get_content_type() (email.message.EmailMessage method)
(email.message.Message method)
get_context() (asyncio.Handle method)
(asyncio.Task method)
(in module multiprocessing)
get_coro() (asyncio.Task method)
get_coroutine_origin_tracking_depth() (in module sys)
get_count() (in module gc)
get_current_history_length() (in module readline)
get_data() ( method)
( method)
(in module pkgutil)
(zipimport.zipimporter method)
get_date() (mailbox.MaildirMessage method)
get_debug() (asyncio.loop method)
(in module gc)
get_default() (argparse.ArgumentParser method)
get_default_domain() (in module nis)
get_default_scheme() (in module sysconfig)
get_default_type() (email.message.EmailMessage method)
(email.message.Message method)
get_default_verify_paths() (in module ssl)
get_dialect() (in module csv)
get_disassembly_as_string() ( method)
get_docstring() (in module ast)
get_doctest() (doctest.DocTestParser method)
get_endidx() (in module readline)
get_environ() (wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIRequestHandler method)
get_errno() (in module ctypes)
get_escdelay() (in module curses)
get_event_loop() (asyncio.AbstractEventLoopPolicy method)
(in module asyncio)
get_event_loop_policy() (in module asyncio)
get_examples() (doctest.DocTestParser method)
get_exception_handler() (asyncio.loop method)
get_exec_path() (in module os)
get_extra_info() (asyncio.BaseTransport method)
(asyncio.StreamWriter method)
get_field() (string.Formatter method)
get_file() (mailbox.Babyl method)
(mailbox.Mailbox method)
(mailbox.Maildir method)
(mailbox.mbox method)
(mailbox.MH method)
(mailbox.MMDF method)
get_file_breaks() (bdb.Bdb method)
get_filename() (email.message.EmailMessage method)
(email.message.Message method)
( method)
( method)
(importlib.machinery.ExtensionFileLoader method)
(zipimport.zipimporter method)
get_filter() (tkinter.filedialog.FileDialog method)
get_flags() (mailbox.MaildirMessage method)
(mailbox.mboxMessage method)
(mailbox.MMDFMessage method)
get_folder() (mailbox.Maildir method)
(mailbox.MH method)
get_frees() (symtable.Function method)
get_freeze_count() (in module gc)
get_from() (mailbox.mboxMessage method)
(mailbox.MMDFMessage method)
get_full_url() (urllib.request.Request method)
get_globals() (symtable.Function method)
get_grouped_opcodes() (difflib.SequenceMatcher method)
get_handle_inheritable() (in module os)
get_header() (urllib.request.Request method)
get_history_item() (in module readline)
get_history_length() (in module readline)
get_id() (symtable.SymbolTable method)
get_ident() (in module _thread)
(in module threading)
get_identifiers() (string.Template method)
(symtable.SymbolTable method)
get_importer() (in module pkgutil)
get_info() (mailbox.MaildirMessage method)
get_inheritable() (in module os)
(socket.socket method)
get_instructions() (in module dis)
get_int_max_str_digits() (in module sys)
get_interpreter() (in module zipapp)
GET_ITER (opcode)
get_key() (selectors.BaseSelector method)
get_labels() (mailbox.Babyl method)
(mailbox.BabylMessage method)
get_last_error() (in module ctypes)
GET_LEN (opcode)
get_line_buffer() (in module readline)
get_lineno() (symtable.SymbolTable method)
get_loader() (in module pkgutil)
get_locals() (symtable.Function method)
get_logger() (in module multiprocessing)
get_loop() (asyncio.Future method)
(asyncio.Runner method)
(asyncio.Server method)
get_magic() (in module imp)
get_makefile_filename() (in module sysconfig)
get_map() (selectors.BaseSelector method)
get_matching_blocks() (difflib.SequenceMatcher method)
get_message() (mailbox.Mailbox method)
get_method() (urllib.request.Request method)
get_methods() (symtable.Class method)
get_mixed_type_key() (in module ipaddress)
get_name() (asyncio.Task method)
(symtable.Symbol method)
(symtable.SymbolTable method)
get_namespace() (symtable.Symbol method)
get_namespaces() (symtable.Symbol method)
get_native_id() (in module _thread)
(in module threading)
get_nonlocals() (symtable.Function method)
get_nonstandard_attr() (http.cookiejar.Cookie method)
get_nowait() (asyncio.Queue method)
(multiprocessing.Queue method)
(queue.Queue method)
(queue.SimpleQueue method)
get_object_traceback() (in module tracemalloc)
get_objects() (in module gc)
get_opcodes() (difflib.SequenceMatcher method)
get_option() (optparse.OptionParser method)
get_option_group() (optparse.OptionParser method)
get_origin() (in module typing)
get_original_bases() (in module types)
get_original_stdout() (in module
get_osfhandle() (in module msvcrt)
get_output_charset() (email.charset.Charset method)
get_overloads() (in module typing)
get_pagesize() (in module
get_param() (email.message.Message method)
get_parameters() (symtable.Function method)
get_params() (email.message.Message method)
get_path() (in module sysconfig)
get_path_names() (in module sysconfig)
get_paths() (in module sysconfig)
get_payload() (email.message.Message method)
get_pid() (asyncio.SubprocessTransport method)
get_pipe_transport() (asyncio.SubprocessTransport method)
get_platform() (in module sysconfig)
get_poly() (in module turtle)
get_position() (xdrlib.Unpacker method)
get_preferred_scheme() (in module sysconfig)
get_protocol() (asyncio.BaseTransport method)
get_python_version() (in module sysconfig)
get_ready() (graphlib.TopologicalSorter method)
get_recsrc() (ossaudiodev.oss_mixer_device method)
get_referents() (in module gc)
get_referrers() (in module gc)
get_request() (socketserver.BaseServer method)
get_returncode() (asyncio.SubprocessTransport method)
get_running_loop() (in module asyncio)
get_scheme() (wsgiref.handlers.BaseHandler method)
get_scheme_names() (in module sysconfig)
get_selection() (tkinter.filedialog.FileDialog method)
get_sequences() (mailbox.MH method)
(mailbox.MHMessage method)
get_server() (multiprocessing.managers.BaseManager method)
get_server_certificate() (in module ssl)
get_shapepoly() (in module turtle)
get_socket() (telnetlib.Telnet method)
get_source() ( method)
( method)
(importlib.machinery.ExtensionFileLoader method)
(importlib.machinery.SourcelessFileLoader method)
(zipimport.zipimporter method)
get_source_segment() (in module ast)
get_stack() (asyncio.Task method)
(bdb.Bdb method)
get_start_method() (in module multiprocessing)
get_starttag_text() (html.parser.HTMLParser method)
get_stats() (in module gc)
get_stats_profile() (pstats.Stats method)
get_stderr() (wsgiref.handlers.BaseHandler method)
(wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIRequestHandler method)
get_stdin() (wsgiref.handlers.BaseHandler method)
get_string() (mailbox.Mailbox method)
get_subdir() (mailbox.MaildirMessage method)
get_suffixes() (in module imp)
get_symbols() (symtable.SymbolTable method)
get_tabsize() (in module curses)
get_tag() (in module imp)
get_task_factory() (asyncio.loop method)
get_terminal_size() (in module os)
(in module shutil)
get_threshold() (in module gc)
get_token() (shlex.shlex method)
get_traceback_limit() (in module tracemalloc)
get_traced_memory() (in module tracemalloc)
get_tracemalloc_memory() (in module tracemalloc)
get_type() (symtable.SymbolTable method)
get_type_hints() (in module typing)
get_unixfrom() (email.message.EmailMessage method)
(email.message.Message method)
get_unpack_formats() (in module shutil)
get_usage() (optparse.OptionParser method)
get_value() (string.Formatter method)
get_version() (optparse.OptionParser method)
get_visible() (mailbox.BabylMessage method)
get_wch() (curses.window method)
get_write_buffer_limits() (asyncio.WriteTransport method)
get_write_buffer_size() (asyncio.WriteTransport method)
getacl() (imaplib.IMAP4 method)
getaddresses() (in module email.utils)
getaddrinfo() (asyncio.loop method)
(in module socket)
getallocatedblocks() (in module sys)
getandroidapilevel() (in module sys)
getannotation() (imaplib.IMAP4 method)
getargvalues() (in module inspect)
getasyncgenlocals() (in module inspect)
getasyncgenstate() (in module inspect)
getatime() (in module os.path)
built-in function
getattr_static() (in module inspect)
getattrfunc (C type)
getAttribute() (xml.dom.Element method)
getAttributeNode() (xml.dom.Element method)
getAttributeNodeNS() (xml.dom.Element method)
getAttributeNS() (xml.dom.Element method)
getattrofunc (C type)
GetBase() (xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser method)
getbegyx() (curses.window method)
getbkgd() (curses.window method)
getblocking() (socket.socket method)
getboolean() (configparser.ConfigParser method)
getbuffer() (io.BytesIO method)
getbufferproc (C type)
getByteStream() (xml.sax.xmlreader.InputSource method)
getcallargs() (in module inspect)
getcanvas() (in module turtle)
getcapabilities() (nntplib.NNTP method)
getcaps() (in module mailcap)
getch() (curses.window method)
(in module msvcrt)
getCharacterStream() (xml.sax.xmlreader.InputSource method)
getche() (in module msvcrt)
getChild() (logging.Logger method)
getChildren() (logging.Logger method)
getclasstree() (in module inspect)
getclosurevars() (in module inspect)
getcode() (http.client.HTTPResponse method)
(urllib.response.addinfourl method)
GetColumnInfo() (msilib.View method)
getColumnNumber() (xml.sax.xmlreader.Locator method)
getcomments() (in module inspect)
getcompname() (aifc.aifc method)
(sunau.AU_read method)
(wave.Wave_read method)
getcomptype() (aifc.aifc method)
(sunau.AU_read method)
(wave.Wave_read method)
getContentHandler() (xml.sax.xmlreader.XMLReader method)
getcontext() (in module decimal)
getcoroutinelocals() (in module inspect)
getcoroutinestate() (in module inspect)
getctime() (in module os.path)
getcwd() (in module os)
getcwdb() (in module os)
getcwdu (2to3 fixer)
getdecoder() (in module codecs)
getdefaultencoding() (in module sys)
getdefaultlocale() (in module locale)
getdefaulttimeout() (in module socket)
getdlopenflags() (in module sys)
getdoc() (in module inspect)
getDOMImplementation() (in module xml.dom)
getDTDHandler() (xml.sax.xmlreader.XMLReader method)
getEffectiveLevel() (logging.Logger method)
getegid() (in module os)
getElementsByTagName() (xml.dom.Document method)
(xml.dom.Element method)
getElementsByTagNameNS() (xml.dom.Document method)
(xml.dom.Element method)
getencoder() (in module codecs)
getencoding() (in module locale)
getEncoding() (xml.sax.xmlreader.InputSource method)
getEntityResolver() (xml.sax.xmlreader.XMLReader method)
getenv() (in module os)
getenvb() (in module os)
getErrorHandler() (xml.sax.xmlreader.XMLReader method)
geteuid() (in module os)
getEvent() (xml.dom.pulldom.DOMEventStream method)
getEventCategory() (logging.handlers.NTEventLogHandler method)
getEventType() (logging.handlers.NTEventLogHandler method)
getException() (xml.sax.SAXException method)
getFeature() (xml.sax.xmlreader.XMLReader method)
GetFieldCount() (msilib.Record method)
getfile() (in module inspect)
getFilesToDelete() (logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler method)
getfilesystemencodeerrors() (in module sys)
getfilesystemencoding() (in module sys)
getfirst() (cgi.FieldStorage method)
getfloat() (configparser.ConfigParser method)
getfmts() (ossaudiodev.oss_audio_device method)
getfqdn() (in module socket)
getframeinfo() (in module inspect)
getframerate() (aifc.aifc method)
(sunau.AU_read method)
(wave.Wave_read method)
getfullargspec() (in module inspect)
getgeneratorlocals() (in module inspect)
getgeneratorstate() (in module inspect)
getgid() (in module os)
getgrall() (in module grp)
getgrgid() (in module grp)
getgrnam() (in module grp)
getgrouplist() (in module os)
getgroups() (in module os)
getHandlerByName() (in module logging)
getHandlerNames() (in module logging)
getheader() (http.client.HTTPResponse method)
getheaders() (http.client.HTTPResponse method)
gethostbyaddr() (in module socket)
gethostbyname() (in module socket)
gethostbyname_ex() (in module socket)
gethostname() (in module socket)
getincrementaldecoder() (in module codecs)
getincrementalencoder() (in module codecs)
getinfo() (zipfile.ZipFile method)
getinnerframes() (in module inspect)
GetInputContext() (xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser method)
getint() (configparser.ConfigParser method)
GetInteger() (msilib.Record method)
getitem() (in module operator)
getiterfunc (C type)
getitimer() (in module signal)
getkey() (curses.window method)
GetLastError() (in module ctypes)
getLength() (xml.sax.xmlreader.Attributes method)
getLevelName() (in module logging)
getLevelNamesMapping() (in module logging)
getlimit() (sqlite3.Connection method)
getline() (in module linecache)
getLineNumber() (xml.sax.xmlreader.Locator method)
getlist() (cgi.FieldStorage method)
getloadavg() (in module os)
getlocale() (in module locale)
getLogger() (in module logging)
getLoggerClass() (in module logging)
getlogin() (in module os)
getLogRecordFactory() (in module logging)
getmark() (aifc.aifc method)
(sunau.AU_read method)
(wave.Wave_read method)
getmarkers() (aifc.aifc method)
(sunau.AU_read method)
(wave.Wave_read method)
getmaxyx() (curses.window method)
getmember() (tarfile.TarFile method)
getmembers() (in module inspect)
(tarfile.TarFile method)
getmembers_static() (in module inspect)
getMessage() (logging.LogRecord method)
(xml.sax.SAXException method)
getMessageID() (logging.handlers.NTEventLogHandler method)
getmodule() (in module inspect)
getmodulename() (in module inspect)
getmouse() (in module curses)
getmro() (in module inspect)
getmtime() (in module os.path)
getname() (chunk.Chunk method)
getName() (threading.Thread method)
getNameByQName() (xml.sax.xmlreader.AttributesNS method)
getnameinfo() (asyncio.loop method)
(in module socket)
getnames() (tarfile.TarFile method)
getNames() (xml.sax.xmlreader.Attributes method)
getnchannels() (aifc.aifc method)
(sunau.AU_read method)
(wave.Wave_read method)
getnframes() (aifc.aifc method)
(sunau.AU_read method)
(wave.Wave_read method)
getnode() (in module uuid)
getopt() (in module getopt)
getouterframes() (in module inspect)
getoutput() (in module subprocess)
getpagesize() (in module resource)
getparams() (aifc.aifc method)
(sunau.AU_read method)
(wave.Wave_read method)
getparyx() (curses.window method)
getpass() (in module getpass)
getpeercert() (ssl.SSLSocket method)
getpeername() (socket.socket method)
getpen() (in module turtle)
getpgid() (in module os)
getpgrp() (in module os)
getpid() (in module os)
getpos() (html.parser.HTMLParser method)
getppid() (in module os)
getpreferredencoding() (in module locale)
getpriority() (in module os)
getprofile() (in module sys)
(in module threading)
GetProperty() (msilib.SummaryInformation method)
getProperty() (xml.sax.xmlreader.XMLReader method)
GetPropertyCount() (msilib.SummaryInformation method)
getprotobyname() (in module socket)
getproxies() (in module urllib.request)
getPublicId() (xml.sax.xmlreader.InputSource method)
(xml.sax.xmlreader.Locator method)
getpwall() (in module pwd)
getpwnam() (in module pwd)
getpwuid() (in module pwd)
getQNameByName() (xml.sax.xmlreader.AttributesNS method)
getQNames() (xml.sax.xmlreader.AttributesNS method)
getquota() (imaplib.IMAP4 method)
getquotaroot() (imaplib.IMAP4 method)
getrandbits() (in module random)
getrandom() (in module os)
getreader() (in module codecs)
getrecursionlimit() (in module sys)
getrefcount() (in module sys)
getresgid() (in module os)
getresponse() (http.client.HTTPConnection method)
getresuid() (in module os)
getrlimit() (in module resource)
getroot() (xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree method)
getrusage() (in module resource)
getsample() (in module audioop)
getsampwidth() (aifc.aifc method)
(sunau.AU_read method)
(wave.Wave_read method)
getscreen() (in module turtle)
getservbyname() (in module socket)
getservbyport() (in module socket)
GetSetDescriptorType (in module types)
getshapes() (in module turtle)
getsid() (in module os)
getsignal() (in module signal)
getsitepackages() (in module site)
getsize() (chunk.Chunk method)
(in module os.path)
getsizeof() (in module sys)
getsockname() (socket.socket method)
getsockopt() (socket.socket method)
getsource() (in module inspect)
getsourcefile() (in module inspect)
getsourcelines() (in module inspect)
getspall() (in module spwd)
getspnam() (in module spwd)
getstate() (codecs.IncrementalDecoder method)
(codecs.IncrementalEncoder method)
(in module random)
getstatusoutput() (in module subprocess)
getstr() (curses.window method)
GetString() (msilib.Record method)
getSubject() (logging.handlers.SMTPHandler method)
GetSummaryInformation() (msilib.Database method)
getswitchinterval() (in module sys)
getSystemId() (xml.sax.xmlreader.InputSource method)
(xml.sax.xmlreader.Locator method)
getsyx() (in module curses)
gettarinfo() (tarfile.TarFile method)
gettempdir() (in module tempfile)
gettempdirb() (in module tempfile)
gettempprefix() (in module tempfile)
gettempprefixb() (in module tempfile)
getTestCaseNames() (unittest.TestLoader method)
gettext() (gettext.GNUTranslations method)
(gettext.NullTranslations method)
(in module gettext)
(in module locale)
gettimeout() (socket.socket method)
gettrace() (in module sys)
(in module threading)
getturtle() (in module turtle)
getType() (xml.sax.xmlreader.Attributes method)
getuid() (in module os)
getunicodeinternedsize() (in module sys)
geturl() (http.client.HTTPResponse method)
(urllib.parse.urllib.parse.SplitResult method)
(urllib.response.addinfourl method)
getuser() (in module getpass)
getuserbase() (in module site)
getusersitepackages() (in module site)
getvalue() (io.BytesIO method)
(io.StringIO method)
getValue() (xml.sax.xmlreader.Attributes method)
getValueByQName() (xml.sax.xmlreader.AttributesNS method)
getwch() (in module msvcrt)
getwche() (in module msvcrt)
getweakrefcount() (in module weakref)
getweakrefs() (in module weakref)
getwelcome() (ftplib.FTP method)
(nntplib.NNTP method)
(poplib.POP3 method)
getwin() (in module curses)
getwindowsversion() (in module sys)
getwriter() (in module codecs)
getxattr() (in module os)
getyx() (curses.window method)
gid (tarfile.TarInfo attribute)
glob() (in module glob)
(msilib.Directory method)
(pathlib.Path method)
name binding
Global (class in ast)
global interpreter lock
global_enum() (in module enum)
built-in function
globs (doctest.DocTest attribute)
gmtime() (in module time)
gname (tarfile.TarInfo attribute)
GNU_FORMAT (in module tarfile)
gnu_getopt() (in module getopt)
GNUTranslations (class in gettext)
go() (tkinter.filedialog.FileDialog method)
got (doctest.DocTestFailure attribute)
goto() (in module turtle)
Graphical User Interface
GREATER (in module token)
GREATEREQUAL (in module token)
Greenwich Mean Time
GRND_NONBLOCK (in module os)
GRND_RANDOM (in module os)
Group (class in email.headerregistry)
group() (nntplib.NNTP method)
(pathlib.Path method)
(re.Match method)
groupby() (in module itertools)
groupdict() (re.Match method)
groupindex (re.Pattern attribute)
groups (email.headerregistry.AddressHeader attribute)
(re.Pattern attribute)
groups() (re.Match method)
Gt (class in ast)
gt() (in module operator)
GtE (class in ast)
guess_all_extensions() (in module mimetypes)
(mimetypes.MimeTypes method)
guess_extension() (in module mimetypes)
(mimetypes.MimeTypes method)
guess_scheme() (in module wsgiref.util)
guess_type() (in module mimetypes)
(mimetypes.MimeTypes method)
gzip command line option
GzipFile (class in gzip)
3.12.0a7 Documentation